Sophia Research Center is dedicated to developing pharmaceutical products of the highest quality and innovation, complying with the strictest industry regulations, such as those established by the FDA and EMA.
Our development policy follows ICH recommendations, and our laboratories are equipped with advanced technology such as gas chromatographs and infrared and UV-VIS spectrophotometers.
Each product is developed based on the Quality by Design concept, ensuring that each phase of development meets the highest quality specifications, resulting in a product that meets all the specifications and/or quality characteristics required for its proper functioning.
The center has a team of highly qualified and committed professionals, supported by state-of-the-art technology, including ultra-high performance liquid chromatographs, mass coupled liquid chromatographs and rheology equipment.
With an infrastructure of 6,520 m2, our center houses analytical control, pharmaceutical development and physicochemical characterization laboratories, all equipped with the best technology available.